Wear Sierra Marketplace is a fashion products aggregator where independent brands position their products in front of shoppers. We bring independent brands and customers together. Our goal is to improve your visibility and sales by enabling your brand to reach new markets. 


Open your online shop on Wear Sierra. Our purpose is to help individuals and companies set up robust online stores on the Wear Sierra Marketplace. Our goal is to help you grow your brand, increase sales, and facilitate logistics with the use of our warehouse and shipping platforms.

Set up your shop with your brand on Wear Sierra in minutes. You control what products are listed for your particular brand. There are no minimums or maximums. All products must be maintained and priced by you with Wear Sierra guidelines. Through the Wear Sierra platform and marketplace your brand will be positioned in front of American and Canadian consumers. 

Your shop will benefit from Wear Sierra's outstanding marketing practices. Our multi-channel, cross-platform marketing strategy enables our partners to expand their reach internationally. If you are interested in learning more about how Wear Sierra can expand your product’s reach and help increase your sales, send an email to sales@wearsierra.com.